Logo of the IDDRG 2021 Virtual


40th International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference 2021 - Virtual

Registration to the IDDRG 2021 - Virtual

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Registration to the IDDRG 2021 - Virtual is closed!
For last minute registration contact:


The International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference 2021 will be held virtually due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Registration to the conference will be handled via the ConfTool Platform of the IDDRG 2021 - Virtual.

General deadline for Online-Registration is June 11th, 2021.

Due to the different groups of interest, different payment deadlines for the conference apply:

  Group of Interest Payment Deadline
G1 Author (Scientific Paper Submission + Presentation)* June 4th, 2021
G2 Author (Prensentation Only Submission)* June 4th, 2021
G3 Participant / General Attendance June 11th, 2021

* Per registration one submission is possible. Please consider that in case you have more than one submission, you have to do a corresponding number of registrations. Registration for presentation of a scientific paper submission and presentaion only submission is mandatory.

Registration Fee

Registration fees must be payed within 14 days of registration. Invoices can be printed out in the ConfTool Platform after successful registration.

Category Fee
Participant / Regular
450 €
Student* 250 €

*Eligible for student's fee are Bachelor, Master and unpaid PhD students, but not research fellows/scientific staff, nor Post-docs. Please contact us by mail with your proof of enrollment for discount.


As payment methods bank transfer (wire transfer) and credit card payment are available. Registration as well as payments are handled via the ConfTool Platform of the IDDRG 2021 - Virtual.

Registration fees must be payed within 14 days of registration. Invoices can be printed out in the ConfTool Platform after successful registration.

Category Details
Credit Card Visa, MasterCard, JCB
Bank Transfer (Wire Transfer)
As described in your invoice.



IDDRG 2021 Organizing Committee

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